At Medimove, we specialise in prescribing evidenced-based movement rehabilitation. We know carefully curated, guided, individualised movement is the best medicine to treat chronic disease, chronic pain, musculoskeletal injuries, disabilities and addiction.
We are most passionate about supporting you to overcome the physical and psychological barriers that prevent you from creating lifestyle and behavioural change, by helping you identify the limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviours holding you back. We take a holistic and integrative approach, using a range of techniques such as clinical reformer Pilates, lifestyle management and intervention, cardiovascular/diabetic group exercise classes, while also considering all aspects of your physical, psychological and spiritual wellbeing. With experienced practitioners who have overcome addiction, eating disorders, physical disabilities and suicide, you will be guided by someone you know you can trust to walk the path of growth along side you, demonstrating the commitment, consistency and willingness it takes to make the necessary change.
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